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Djalali AG, Wang JC, Perez-Valdivieso JR, Danninger T, Fritsch G, Zurakowski D, Gerner P: Ephedrine shows synergistic motor blockade when combined with bupivacaine or lidocaine for spinal anesthesia in a rat model. Anesth Analg. 2013 Apr;116(4):944-8.

Dünser MW, Takala J, Brunauer A, Bakker J: Re-thinking resuscitation: leaving blood pressure cosmetics behind and moving forward to permissive hypotension and a tissue perfusion-based approach. Crit Care. 2013 Oct 8;17(5):326.

Flamm M, Fritsch G, Hysek M, Klausner S, Entacher K, Panisch S, Soennichsen AC: Quality improvement in preoperative assessment by implementation of an electronic decision support tool. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2013 Jun;20(e1):e91-6.

Franz A, Eigenstuhler J, Fritsch G, Michalski T: [57-year-old patient after attempted suicide. Severe accidental hypothermia]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2013 Jun;138(24):1307-8.

Fritsch G, Hudelmaier M, Danninger T, Brummett C, Bock M, McCoy M: Bilateral loss of neural function after interscalene plexus blockade may be caused by epidural spread of local anesthetics: a cadaveric study. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2013; 38(1):64-8.

Fritsch G, Michalski T, Flamm M: Preoperative testing in non-cardiac surgery patients: a survey amongst European anaesthesiologists. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2013 Sep;30(9):575-6.

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Gradwohl-Matis I, Dünser MW: On sepsis, troponin and vasopressin: the bitter truth. Crit Care. 2013 Oct 8;17(5):1002.

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Johansson T, Fritsch G, Flamm M, Hansbauer B, Bachofner N, Mann E, Bock M, Sönnichsen AC: Effectiveness of non-cardiac preoperative testing in non-cardiac elective surgery: a systematic review. Br J Anaesth. 2013 Jun;110(6):926-39.

Memtsoudis SG, Hargett M, Russell LA, Parvizi J, Cats-Baril WL, Stundner O, Sculco TP; Consensus: Conference on Bilateral Total Knee Arthroplasty Group: Consensus statement from the consensus conference on bilateral total knee arthroplasty group. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2013 Aug;471(8):2649-57.

Memtsoudis SG, Mantilla CB, Parvizi J, Stundner O, Mazumdar M: Have bilateral total knee arthroplasties become safer? A population-based trend analysis. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2013; 471(1):17-25.

Memtsoudis SG, Stundner O, Rasul R, Chiu YL, Sun X, Ramachandran SK, Kaw R, Fleischut P, Mazumdar M: The Impact of Sleep Apnea on Perioperative Utilization of Resources and Adverse Outcomes. Anesth Analg 2013 (in press).

Memtsoudis SG, Stundner O, Rasul R, Sun X, Chiu YL, Fleischut P, Danninger T, Mazumdar M: Sleep apnea and total joint arthroplasty under various types of anesthesia: a population-based study of perioperative outcomes. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2013 Jul-Aug;38(4):274-81.

Memtsoudis SG, Stundner O, Sun X, Chiu YL, Ma Y, Fleischut P, Kerr GE, Girardi FP, Walz JM: Critical Care in Patients Undergoing Lumbar Spine Fusion: A Population-Based Study. J Intensive Care Med. 2013 Jun 10.

Memtsoudis SG, Stundner O, Yoo D, Gonzalez Della Valle A, Boettner F, Bombardieri AM, Jules-Elysee K, Poultsides L, Ma Y, Sculco TP: Does Limb Preconditioning Reduce Pain After Total Knee Arthroplasty? A Randomized, Double-blind Study. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2013 Jun 13.

Memtsoudis SG, Sun X, Chiu YL, Stundner O, Liu SS, Banerjee S, Mazumdar M, Sharrock NE: Perioperative comparative effectiveness of anesthetic technique in orthopedic patients. Anesthesiology. 2013 May;118(5):1046-58.

Michalski T, Gottardi R, Dünser MW: Extensive soft tissue trauma due to prolonged cardiopulmonary resuscitation using an automated chest compression (ACC) device. Emerg Med J. 2013 Aug 28.

Ortmaier R, Resch H, Hitzl W, Mayer M, Blocher M, Vasvary I, Mattiassich G, Stundner O, Tauber M: Reverse shoulder arthroplasty combined with latissimus dorsi transfer using the bone-chip technique. Int Orthop. 2013 Oct 17.

Ortmaier R, Resch H, Hitzl W, Mayer M, Stundner O, Tauber M: Treatment strategies for infection after reverse shoulder arthroplasty. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2013 Jun 8.

Picardi S, Cartellieri S, Groves D, Hahnenkamp K, Gerner P, Durieux ME, Stevens MF, Lirk P, Hollmann MW: Local anesthetic-induced inhibition of human neutrophil priming: the influence of structure, lipophilicity, and charge. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2013 Jan-Feb;38(1):9-15. doi: 10.1097/AAP.0b013e31827a3cbe. Erratum in: Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2013 Jul-Aug;38(4):374. Hahnenekamp, Klaus [corrected to Hahnenkamp, Klaus].

Pumberger M, Memtsoudis SG, Stundner O, Herzog R, Boettner F, Gausden E, Hughes AP: An analysis of the safety of epidural and spinal neuraxial anesthesia in more than 100,000 consecutive major lower extremity joint replacements. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2013 Nov-Dec;38(6):515-9.

Schmittinger CA, Dünser MW, Torgersen C, Luckner G, Lorenz I, Schmid S, Joannidis M, Moser P, Hasibeder WR, Halabi M, Steger CM: Histologic pathologies of the myocardium in septic shock: a prospective observational study. Shock. 2013 Apr;39(4):329-35.

Schöchl H, Cadamuro J, Seidl S, Franz A, Solomon C, Schlimp CJ, Ziegler B: Hyperfibrinolysis is common in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: Results from a prospective observational thromboelastometry study. Resuscitation 2013; 84(4):454-9.

Schöchl H, Cadamuro J, Seidl S, Franz A, Solomon C, Schlimp CJ, Ziegler B: Hyperfibrinolysis is common in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: results from a prospective observational thromboelastometry study. Resuscitation. 2013 Apr;84(4):454-9.

Stundner O, Chiu YL, Sun X, Goodman S, Russell LA, Calloway J, MacKenzie CR, Mazumdar M, Memtsoudis SG: Perioperative outcomes in patients with rheumatoid versus osteoarthritis for total hip arthroplasty: a population-based study. Clin Exp Rheumat (in Press)

Stundner O, Chiu YL, Sun X, Ramachandran SK, Gerner Philipp, Vougioukas V, Mazumdar M, Memtsoudis SG: Sleep apnoea in spine surgical patients: trends and perioperative outcomes. A population-based study. J Bone Joint Surg Brit (in Press)

Stundner O, Danninger T, Chiu YL, Sun X, Goodman SM, Russell LA, Figgie M, Mazumdar M, Memtsoudis SG: Rheumatoid Arthritis vs Osteoarthritis in Patients Receiving Total Knee Arthroplasty: Perioperative Outcomes. J Arthroplasty. 2013 Jun 11.

Stundner O, Danninger T, Memtsoudis SG: Regional anesthesia in patients with significant comorbid disease. Minerva Anestesiol. 2013 Nov;79(11):1281-90.

Stundner O, Kirksey M, Chiu YL, Mazumdar M, Poultsides L, Gerner P, Memtsoudis SG: Demographics and perioperative outcome in patients with depression and anxiety undergoing total joint arthroplasty: a population-based study. Psychosomatics. 2013 Mar-Apr;54(2):149-57.

Stundner O, Rasul R, Chiu YL, Sun X, Mazumdar M, Brummett CM, Ortmaier R, Memtsoudis SG: Peripheral Nerve Blocks in Shoulder Arthroplasty: How Do They Influence Complications and Length of Stay? Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2013 Oct 29.

Stundner O, Taher F, Pawar A, Memtsoudis SG: Pulmonary complications after spine surgery. World J Orthop. 2012 Oct 18;3(10):156-61.

Torgersen C, Meichtry J, Schmittinger CA, Bloechlinger S, Jakob SM, Takala J, Dünser MW: Haemodynamic variables and functional outcome in hypothermic patients following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Resuscitation. 2013 Jun;84(6):798-804.

Ziegler B, Schimke C, Marchet P, Stögermüller B, Schöchl H, Solomon C: Severe pediatric blunt trauma--successful ROTEM-guided hemostatic therapy with fibrinogen concentrate and no administration of fresh frozen plasma or platelets. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost. 2013 Jul-Aug;19(4):453-9.

Ziegler B: Neue Plättchenhemmer bei Koronarstents. Wiener klin. Magazin 2013 16: 34-37.


Fleischmann W: Akute interstitielle, lymphoide interstitielle und nicht klassifizierbare idiopathische interstitielle Pneumonien in Update Mukoviszidose Band 6: Cystische Fibrose und andere seltene Lungenerkrankungen. © 2013 Georg Thieme Verlag KG

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