Contemporary Treatment of MS
Contemporary treatment of MS in Austria: challenges, concepts and outcome
- Establishment of a local MS database using iMed and participation/initiation of global projects
- Study of gender differenceres for the treatment of MS in the State of Salzburg and Austria
- Critical care of MS
- Participation in clinical trials. Current trials: ORATORIO follow-up (Ocrelizumab in PPMS Phase 3), ENSEMBLE (Ocrelizumab in early active MS, Phase 4), FTY720 long term (Fingolimod, Phase 4), MS700568 (Mavenclad in early MS, Phase 4)
Recent publications:
- Recent congress presentations (2017): “First-line treatment with alemtuzumab in Austria”, “Natalizumab-associated PML in Austria”, “Gender differences in the treatment fo MS in the state of Austria.
- Karamyan A, Brandtner H(2), Grinzinger S, Chroust V, Bacher C, Otto F, Reisp M, Hauer L, Sellner J.Causes of death in critically ill multiple sclerosis patients. Acta Neurol Scand. 2017 Oct;136(4):305-309.
- Karamyan A, Dünser MW, Wiebe DJ, Pilz G, Wipfler P, Chroust V, Novak HF, Hauer L, Trinka E, Sellner J. Critical Illness in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: A Matched Case-Control Study. PLoS One. 2016 May 31;11(5):e0155795.
- Harrer A, Pilz G, Oppermann K, Sageder M, Afazel S, Haschke-Becher E, Rispens T, de Vries A, McCoy M, Stevanovic V, Hitzl W, Trinka E, Kraus J, Sellner J, Wipfler P. From natalizumab to fingolimod in eight weeks - Immunological, clinical, and radiological data in quest of the optimal switch. Clin Immunol. 2017 Mar;176:87-93.
- Pilz G, Harrer A, Wipfler P, Oppermann K, Sellner J, Fazekas F, Trinka E, Kraus J. Tumefactive MS lesions under fingolimod: a case report and literature review. Neurology. 2013 Nov 5;81(19):1654-8.
- Weber MS, Menge T, Lehmann-Horn K, Kronsbein HC, Zettl U, Sellner J, Hemmer B, Stüve O. Current treatment strategies for multiple sclerosis - efficacy versus neurological adverse effects. Curr Pharm Des. 2012;18(2):209-19.
Previous funding: Merck, Bayer, Novartis.
Current funding: Roche, Genzyme.
Open positions: PhD student (contact: starting from 1/2018
Collaboration: Austrian MS Database, Medical University of Vienna, Kepler University Linz, Kantonsspital Aarau, Industry, MSBase, CDK/Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, CDK/Division of Neuroradiology
Assoc. Prof. DDr.
Johann Sellner
Dr. med. univ.
Ferdinand Otto
Ltd. OÄ Dr.
Larissa Sellner
Leitende Oberärztin Bereich Krisenintervention und Suizidprävention
Priv.-Doz. OA Dr.
Peter Wipfler
Universitätsklinik für Neurologie, neurologische Intensivmedizin und Neurorehabilitation
Ignaz-Harrer-Straße 79
A-5020 Salzburg
Primar Univ. Prof. Dr. Mag. Eugen Trinka